Wednesday 13 June 2012

dipping your toe in.

so here I am. not entirely sure yet what I'm doing here.
it seemed like a good idea at the time. so starts many a bad plan.

and we all know how fun they all turn out.

blogging is a funny old thing when you think about it. we're such complex creatures.

so do we go for a concise topic and then realise we have little to say on only one subject. or do we go broad, and bore people that may be fascinated by your food but creeped out by your pets.

well I'm going broad. because that's what life is like. so you may have the occasional rant about bad TV ads that annoy me that day, you may have me pondering the mysteries of the universe. you may have me baffled at the whearabouts of yet another thing I'll blame the disappearence of on the faeries. or you may have the ongoing frustrations of how to convince a hypochondriac rat to take his antibiotics.

so much like it would be in conversation with me, really.

here you have it. a Wife, a Witch, a seller of fine smelling cosmetic products, a damn fine cook and paranoid and overprotective mother to a brood of rodents. or a mischief. because that is what a group of rats are called. daughter. maker of jewellery and mess. loyal friend.

sticking out into the ocean on a county with the heart of a country, walking an age old path and wondering what exactly brought the Lwa into my life and into THIS neck of the woods. yeah, there's an odd one.

I'm here. dipping my clawed toes into the world of blogging and wondering where it might take me.
you're welcome along for the ride.

The Wicked Witch of the Westcountry